Wednesday, July 15, 2009

KC-132 tanker/transport

Just imagine flying a turboprop transport even bigger than the C-133. Douglas had the C-132, which also had an aerial refueling role. It got as far as a full-scale mockup but the AF pulled the fiscal plug in 1957. I've written a short history of aerial refueling as context to the KC-132's role in that activity. The last section of the chapter is an alternative history, which assumes that the Air Force bought both the 50 C-133s and 150 C-132s. Of those, there were two air refueling wings, at Pope and George, and six transport wings, at Travis, Dover, McChord, McGuire. Charleston and Tinker (which also had the training squadron). My lead picture is a conceptual photo of a KC-132 from the GAFB 497th ARW, fueling two A6-A Intruders of VA-34, based on USS John F. Kennedy. The event takes place during a 1970 WestPac cruise that passed through the Fiji Islands.


Papa Hans said...

Fascinating! What a story!! Thanks, Cal!

Terry Wall said...

Is the story published someplace so we can read it?