Bonus Reunion Photos
After combing through my collection, I identified the following 18 photos that I thought I had posted earlier, but hadn't. So this completes the sharing of my 122 photos. My next post will begin with the ones Bob Maguire took at the May, 2010, Reunion.The survey results on the question about identifying individuals in photos were overwhelmingly in favor. In response to this proposition: "Some have requested that reunion attendees in photos on our publicly accessible blog be identified.... " 98.5% of respondents (66 people) checked the statement: "I have no problem with any of that, enjoy the photos, and favor photos with names." Only one person checked the statement: "I would object to my name appearing with my photo on the blog."
So I will respect that person's preference, but will now endeavor to begin identifying others. But I can only identify those I personally know, or those where I can read name tags. So I will invite you to help me. Please send me an e-mail with names, and describe what photo (in which Photo file), and which person in the photo. If at any time, YOU see your name with a photo on this blog, and object to it, please let me know ASAP, and I can delete it!
This is Photo File #7 Bonus:
Charlie Feathers & Ralph Neumeister
Jim Dugar watching video from 8 mm movie of '64 Olympics in Tokyo which he witnessed first-hand
Sandy Sandstrom (standing front)
George Edlin & Chet Baffa
Sharon Ruskiewicz & John Apelt
Vince Gullo (standing left) & ?
George McDuffy & ?
Linda & George Edlin
Marilyn & Ted Feindt
Col. Edwards (l), ? at podium, Rick Spencer (r)
Vince Gullo
Erich Hausner
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