Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Reunion Planning Post #15

Countdown to Reunion Weekend: 30 Days!!

With your great response and cooperation, we've built an active e-mail list of 138 C-133 Crew Colleagues. We have treated the substantial communication value of that list with great respect. You can count on us protecting your privacy, and not abusing it. During this last month before the Reunion, we are going to pick up the pace of e-mail information and blog postings. Many of you have asked questions we've answered individually, but we now want to share. Plus, we've received some "Crew Tales" and other related material (e.g. interesting photos, videos, web links, etc) from various colleagues that we think you would find interesting.

As always, if you have questions or reactions to anything we send, something you'd like to share with the others, or if you prefer to not receive information this way, please let me know directly by phone or e-mail listed below.

It's going to be a Grand Reunion!! We have over 140 Crew Colleagues who have paid for about 250 people to attend. WE CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU!!

Standby for much more information..........!!!!

Dick Hanson, and your Reunion Planning Committee
cell ph: 651-249-9541

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