Hi Guys,
Just keeping in touch.
It's probably difficult to see any progress from these photos but I have been working on it. I have wing tip lights installed (operational). Close to getting the landing and and vert fin lights installed. I have made 300 vortex generators (see photo) and will install them after all the wing farings are installed. Finished up the nacelles with drain outlets, installed the outboard nacelle LE lights and got the fuel dump tubes made.
While I'm waiting for parts for the lights I'll begin finishing the tail section.
NOTE: A visitor to the site has pointed out a website called "Premium Wood Designs" where you can buy a "hand-carved mahogany wood model" of a C-133, with an 18" wingspan, for $155.10.
Click on:
http://www.premiumwooddesigns.com/C_133_Cargomaster_p/ac133t.htm .
They also offer, literally, hundreds of other wood models of aircraft, helicopters, military vehicles, cars, truck, motorcycles, etc.....
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Giant 133 Model Update
Managed to get the static props and flap fairings done this week. The next couple of weeks will be spent on doing the vortex generators Should prove to be an interesting task.
Managed to get the static props and flap fairings done this week. The next couple of weeks will be spent on doing the vortex generators Should prove to be an interesting task.
Monday, October 7, 2013
C-133 Escort for C-121
This came to me via All Experts.com and direct email. Does it ring a bell with anyone? If it does, please contact me (Cal Taylor) so I can close the loop with Terry Hart.
I served on the USS Lookout, AGR-2, as a Radarman out of Davisville, RI from late 1960 until late 1964. In 1960 or 1961 we were on station about 300 miles due South of Otis. In the middle of the night we were contacted by an RC 121 out of Otis. He was at the time of initial contact some 80 miles Southeast of us and was descending through 5,000 feet. He had lost two engines and was unable to maintain altitude. He informed us he was going to ditch and requested we vector him alongside and prepare to pick them up.
The weather that night was terrible. We had 20 to 30 foot seas, 40 to 60 knots of wind, and zero visibility. We replied that there was zero chance of survival if he ditched. Following some discussion it was decided that possibly he would be able to remain airborne after he passed below about 100 feet on the ground effect. Fortunately that turned out to be true. His ground speed after setting down on the ground effect was only about 90 knots! He also informed us that he had dumped as much fuel as he could and still make it back to Otis. Also that they were throwing everything out a door that they could to reduce their weight.
As I recall they had between 39 and 59 (don't remember the exact number but it ended with a 9) souls on board which surprised me. We were communicating on 121.5 and 243.0 and a Mats C-133 returning from Europe overhead what was going on and contacted us. He said he had plenty of fuel and if we would vector him for an intercept he could escort the 121 back to Otis. This is what we did. I remember them discussing the fact that Otis was several hundred feet above sea level and wondering how they would be able to climb enough to clear the cliff and be able to land at Otis if they made it back. Fortunately by the time they got there they had burned off enough fuel weight and thrown enough additional stuff out the door and were able to make a successful landing.
I am now 72 and will never forget what happened that night. I would very much like to know the tail number of that aircraft, who those folks were in that airplane, if any of them are still alive, as well as any other details of that extraordinary event.
Terry Hart, Sr.
Waynesboro, PA
I served on the USS Lookout, AGR-2, as a Radarman out of Davisville, RI from late 1960 until late 1964. In 1960 or 1961 we were on station about 300 miles due South of Otis. In the middle of the night we were contacted by an RC 121 out of Otis. He was at the time of initial contact some 80 miles Southeast of us and was descending through 5,000 feet. He had lost two engines and was unable to maintain altitude. He informed us he was going to ditch and requested we vector him alongside and prepare to pick them up.
The weather that night was terrible. We had 20 to 30 foot seas, 40 to 60 knots of wind, and zero visibility. We replied that there was zero chance of survival if he ditched. Following some discussion it was decided that possibly he would be able to remain airborne after he passed below about 100 feet on the ground effect. Fortunately that turned out to be true. His ground speed after setting down on the ground effect was only about 90 knots! He also informed us that he had dumped as much fuel as he could and still make it back to Otis. Also that they were throwing everything out a door that they could to reduce their weight.
As I recall they had between 39 and 59 (don't remember the exact number but it ended with a 9) souls on board which surprised me. We were communicating on 121.5 and 243.0 and a Mats C-133 returning from Europe overhead what was going on and contacted us. He said he had plenty of fuel and if we would vector him for an intercept he could escort the 121 back to Otis. This is what we did. I remember them discussing the fact that Otis was several hundred feet above sea level and wondering how they would be able to climb enough to clear the cliff and be able to land at Otis if they made it back. Fortunately by the time they got there they had burned off enough fuel weight and thrown enough additional stuff out the door and were able to make a successful landing.
I am now 72 and will never forget what happened that night. I would very much like to know the tail number of that aircraft, who those folks were in that airplane, if any of them are still alive, as well as any other details of that extraordinary event.
Terry Hart, Sr.
Waynesboro, PA
Monday, September 23, 2013
Giant 133 Model Update
Good morning,
Things are moving along. I have 99% of the graphics applied and worked on some of the nose tid bits (radome,wipers, defroster ?). Began working on the static props this morning.
The model is looking great. I like seeing LtC Larry Doyle and LtC Don Flanders in the AC and CP seats, respectively. That was the front end crew when 62008 was delivered to the NMUSAF on St Patrick's Day, 17 Mar 1971.
The rest of the crew was
1Lt Don Zartner, CP
Capt James G. Gibson, II, Nav
Capt Bobby E. Battle, Nav
TSgt William Reilly, FET
MSgt Francis L. Dugat, FET
TSgt Richard A. Kjer, LM
Cal Taylor
Things are moving along. I have 99% of the graphics applied and worked on some of the nose tid bits (radome,wipers, defroster ?). Began working on the static props this morning.
The model is looking great. I like seeing LtC Larry Doyle and LtC Don Flanders in the AC and CP seats, respectively. That was the front end crew when 62008 was delivered to the NMUSAF on St Patrick's Day, 17 Mar 1971.
The rest of the crew was
1Lt Don Zartner, CP
Capt James G. Gibson, II, Nav
Capt Bobby E. Battle, Nav
TSgt William Reilly, FET
MSgt Francis L. Dugat, FET
TSgt Richard A. Kjer, LM
Cal Taylor
September 23, 2013 at 3:13 PM

Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Giant 133 Model Update
It's been a couple of weeks and thought you may be curious as to how the painting of the top turned out. It went well so I got into applying the graphics to the forward fuse. Here are a few pictures.
I'll be working on the rest of the graphics and then begin work on the static display props. Props in the pictures are paper mockups.
Cheers and best wishes,
It's been a couple of weeks and thought you may be curious as to how the painting of the top turned out. It went well so I got into applying the graphics to the forward fuse. Here are a few pictures.
I'll be working on the rest of the graphics and then begin work on the static display props. Props in the pictures are paper mockups.
Cheers and best wishes,
Friday, August 9, 2013
C-5A Retirement to AMC Museum
Click on this Facebook link for video of final pass & landing of Zero-One-Four!
Or go to the AMC Museum Facebook page for more info:
Thanks to Dick Strouse
Friday, August 2, 2013
WHAT: Diamond Anniversary of Dover C-133 Crew Colleagues (Air & Ground Crews!)
The LAST, LAST HURRAH! The 60th Anniversary of the first contracts released to build this legendary aircraft! Exactly four years ago, on 7/8 May 2010, we had our last "big" reunion, billed as "The Last Hurrah." But we weren't finished yet! So in 2012, we had a "mini" reunion, attended mostly by colleagues living in the local Delaware area. Now we want to give it one last shot for a big one, and hope some of you from around the country can make it, AND BRING YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS!
Thank you for the great response to our survey about scheduling this momentous event! Hank Baker and his planning team are on the case, making plans. The good news is, they picked a date & reserved a place. The bad news is, they had to pick one weekend, and of course they went with the majority and appropriate space availability, but unfortunately there will be some who preferred June and can't make it. So we hope a large number of you can adjust your calendars to fit, and we'll make special efforts to keep those of you who can't, connected with the action.
Many details can now be planned, but the general idea is to have a similar event exactly four years after the last "big one" in 2010. And we really hope some of you around the country can make travel plans to fit. So we're excited about a Crew Meeting in the AMC Museum Hangar and buffet dinner Friday afternoon and evening. Free time Saturday morning for golfers and re-connectors to make your own plans. More casual gatherings in the Museum early afternoon Saturday, then a Reception in a Hospitality Suite at Dover Downs in the later afternoon, before a big Banquet Saturday evening.
These gatherings are a lot about the fellowship of reminiscing the old "war stories." One idea is to give YOU a chance to share your favorite "133 Story" at the Banquet. So be thinking about that…..and stay tuned to e-mail blasts and this blog at CargomasterRaster.
Please let me know questions & suggestions any time. And pass this around to your network to catch anyone who's not on my e-mail list, and make sure they let me know their contact info so I can add them!
Wishing you well,
WHAT: Diamond Anniversary of Dover C-133 Crew Colleagues (Air & Ground Crews!)
WHEN: FRI/SAT, 9/10 MAY 2014
The LAST, LAST HURRAH! The 60th Anniversary of the first contracts released to build this legendary aircraft! Exactly four years ago, on 7/8 May 2010, we had our last "big" reunion, billed as "The Last Hurrah." But we weren't finished yet! So in 2012, we had a "mini" reunion, attended mostly by colleagues living in the local Delaware area. Now we want to give it one last shot for a big one, and hope some of you from around the country can make it, AND BRING YOUR FAMILY MEMBERS!
Thank you for the great response to our survey about scheduling this momentous event! Hank Baker and his planning team are on the case, making plans. The good news is, they picked a date & reserved a place. The bad news is, they had to pick one weekend, and of course they went with the majority and appropriate space availability, but unfortunately there will be some who preferred June and can't make it. So we hope a large number of you can adjust your calendars to fit, and we'll make special efforts to keep those of you who can't, connected with the action.
Many details can now be planned, but the general idea is to have a similar event exactly four years after the last "big one" in 2010. And we really hope some of you around the country can make travel plans to fit. So we're excited about a Crew Meeting in the AMC Museum Hangar and buffet dinner Friday afternoon and evening. Free time Saturday morning for golfers and re-connectors to make your own plans. More casual gatherings in the Museum early afternoon Saturday, then a Reception in a Hospitality Suite at Dover Downs in the later afternoon, before a big Banquet Saturday evening.
These gatherings are a lot about the fellowship of reminiscing the old "war stories." One idea is to give YOU a chance to share your favorite "133 Story" at the Banquet. So be thinking about that…..and stay tuned to e-mail blasts and this blog at CargomasterRaster.
Please let me know questions & suggestions any time. And pass this around to your network to catch anyone who's not on my e-mail list, and make sure they let me know their contact info so I can add them!
Wishing you well,
Friday, July 26, 2013
Giant C-133 Model Update
Hi Guys,
Well, after a trauma filled month, I'm back on the C-133. The first week back consisted of building a fixture to rotate the fuse so that I could install the belly bands.
Belly bands are completed and I'll be installing windows this coming week.
As for the trauma, the Tu-4 pictured in my last update met a terrible death on the first practice flight. I believe #4 quit on a down wind leg and she rolled over and spun in from 200 feet into holding pond located next to the runway. 'Nuf said. Heart stopping and ugly!
On the bright side, My Chinese AEW Tu-4 was accepted to the National Model Aviation Museum in Muncie, IN. Pictures attached.
Well, after a trauma filled month, I'm back on the C-133. The first week back consisted of building a fixture to rotate the fuse so that I could install the belly bands.
Belly bands are completed and I'll be installing windows this coming week.
As for the trauma, the Tu-4 pictured in my last update met a terrible death on the first practice flight. I believe #4 quit on a down wind leg and she rolled over and spun in from 200 feet into holding pond located next to the runway. 'Nuf said. Heart stopping and ugly!
On the bright side, My Chinese AEW Tu-4 was accepted to the National Model Aviation Museum in Muncie, IN. Pictures attached.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Giant 133 Model Update
Breaking News from Super-modeler, George Maiorana!
I have placed the C-133 build on hold until the end of July. I'm in the process of getting my Tu-4 ready for the Scale NATS held in Muncie, IN, this July 12th.I've gotten the "itch" to get my planes into the air so the 133 has to take a back seat for a while. I still plan on having it flying in the Spring of 2014.
I can't promise anything, but your 60th Anniversary Reunion at Dover would be a great place to fly the 133 if you could get us permission to fly it there. Just a thought for now. All depends on my health and financial situation.
Best regards,
Here's his Tu-4:
Monday, June 10, 2013
Survey Response Update
Again, thank you for the great response!
As of this morning, we've had 79 responses to the survey. That's a 46% response rate (79 out of 172 e-mails sent. EXCELLENT!!)
61 people said YES (Very likely to attend, will plan on it). 13 said MAYBE! 5 said No (can't travel).
The 74 saying YES and MAYBE accounted for an expected attendee total = 143 people! (16 singles, 49 couples, 6 said they'd bring 2 guests each, and 2 said they could bring as many as 9 guests total).
Preferences favored the Maxi = 83% to Mini = 17%, and the Mid-May dates (60% to 40% for Mid-June).
IF YOU HAVE NOT RESPONDED YET, PLEASE DO SO NOW! We need all the input we can get, and would like to grow that expected attendee number.
79 of you have provided some valuable information to help our planning, but it leaves us with some issues to struggle with:
1. The "preference survey" did not tell us how many of the "June Preferences" would or would not be able to make a reunion scheduled in May. We're hoping many of you could, even though you prefer June. If you indicated a June preference, please let me know by e-mail whether you can make a May reunion?
2. Considering some MAYBEs could turn in to NO, and some "June Preferences" can't make it in May, the expected attendee total is actually less than 143. IF the right number is 125, that's about half the number we had in 2010. So the question becomes, what is Half-a-Maxi-Reunion?
Any additional input you can provide to help the planning decisions would be appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Dick Hanson
e-mail: rehanson342@me.com
As of this morning, we've had 79 responses to the survey. That's a 46% response rate (79 out of 172 e-mails sent. EXCELLENT!!)
61 people said YES (Very likely to attend, will plan on it). 13 said MAYBE! 5 said No (can't travel).
The 74 saying YES and MAYBE accounted for an expected attendee total = 143 people! (16 singles, 49 couples, 6 said they'd bring 2 guests each, and 2 said they could bring as many as 9 guests total).
Preferences favored the Maxi = 83% to Mini = 17%, and the Mid-May dates (60% to 40% for Mid-June).
IF YOU HAVE NOT RESPONDED YET, PLEASE DO SO NOW! We need all the input we can get, and would like to grow that expected attendee number.
79 of you have provided some valuable information to help our planning, but it leaves us with some issues to struggle with:
1. The "preference survey" did not tell us how many of the "June Preferences" would or would not be able to make a reunion scheduled in May. We're hoping many of you could, even though you prefer June. If you indicated a June preference, please let me know by e-mail whether you can make a May reunion?
2. Considering some MAYBEs could turn in to NO, and some "June Preferences" can't make it in May, the expected attendee total is actually less than 143. IF the right number is 125, that's about half the number we had in 2010. So the question becomes, what is Half-a-Maxi-Reunion?
Any additional input you can provide to help the planning decisions would be appreciated.
Thank you very much,
Dick Hanson
e-mail: rehanson342@me.com
Friday, June 7, 2013
BG Jack Randolph Cram, USMC
A bit off the C-133 topic. The Naval Air Station (NAS), Ft. Lauderdale Museum has posted my latest article on its site. http://www.nasflmuseum.com/events-blog.html It is "Jack Randolph Cram: Airport Manager to Marine General."
While researching the Olympia (WA) Army Airfield, I found the name of the Olympia Airport's first manager. He turned out to be very interesting! The first pilot hired by WA State, the first Olympia Airport manager, a key person working for CAA to develop the civilian pilot training program, a certified Marine hero at Guadalcanal! Would you believe sinking a Japanese troop transport with torpedoes launched from a PBY! Then commanded a Marine PBJ (NA B-25 in Marine service) ship-busting unit from Saipan, Iwo and Okinawa. Later commanded a major Marine unit at Pohang, Korea. And more.
While researching the Olympia (WA) Army Airfield, I found the name of the Olympia Airport's first manager. He turned out to be very interesting! The first pilot hired by WA State, the first Olympia Airport manager, a key person working for CAA to develop the civilian pilot training program, a certified Marine hero at Guadalcanal! Would you believe sinking a Japanese troop transport with torpedoes launched from a PBY! Then commanded a Marine PBJ (NA B-25 in Marine service) ship-busting unit from Saipan, Iwo and Okinawa. Later commanded a major Marine unit at Pohang, Korea. And more.
Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Your Survey Response
Within the first 24 hours, 36 of you responded! Great start, but…..If YOU haven't yet, please do so now (see the e-mail message sent earlier).
EARLY PREFERENCES: So far, 81% of you prefer a Maxi-Reunion (full weekend like 2010, rather than one afternoon like 2012). So far, 34 of you indicated 62 will attend (10 singles & 26 couples). That's enough for a Mini, but doesn't justify a Maxi (need at least 100!). So we will at least have a Mini-Reunion in Spring, 2014, in Dover. Also, your preference for timing isn't clear yet (it's 52% for Mid-May & 48% for Mid-June).
Please let us know ASAP if you haven't already!
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Diamond Anniversary Reunion Survey
If I have a current e-mail address for you on my list, you should have received the following e-mail survey today. PLEASE RESPOND ASAP! If you didn't get one, please let me know your name & address at rehanson342@me.com .
During early May, Hank Baker convened his local planning committee for their initial discussion of the Diamond Anniversary Reunion of Dover C-133 Crew Colleagues in the spring of 2014 at Dover AFB. They need some input from YOU!!
The goal is to provide the incentive for those around the country to travel to Dover for this One Last Celebration of our Camaraderie! BOTH FLIGHT CREWS & GROUND CREWS!
For openers, we have four simple questions:
1. Would you prefer: (it makes a difference in expense, but this is probably our last Hoorah!)
a. The 2010 Maxi-Reunion model that took place over a full weekend with all the trimmings, or…
b. The simple Mini-Reunion of 2012 that took place in one afternoon in the hangar?
2. Would you prefer the Reunion to be:
a. Mid-May, 2014, or…
b. Mid-June, 2014?
3. How certain are you that you would attend?
a. Yes. Very Likely (will put it on my calendar and plan to come).
b. Maybe. Really want to, but too early to tell.
c. No. Wish I could, but doubt I can make it.
4. If you plan to attend, how many guests would you bring in addition to yourself?
a. None
b. One
c. Two
d. Three
e. More than three
We want to encourage your children, grandchildren, family members and friends to be a part of the grand finale that began some 60 years ago, and is now an Air Force Legend: The Crews of the C-133 Cargomaster heavy cargo transport!
To get as much response as possible to this survey, here are several user-friendly ways you can reply:
1. The simplest is to click on the following hot link which will take you to an online MonkeySurvey. Just click on your answers to each of the four questions, then Done: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/LRRL672
2. OR, you can click on Reply to this e-mail message and list your four answers, then Send it back to me.
3. OR, if you have access to a printer and prefer doing it by hand, print out this e-mail, clearly mark your answer to each of the four questions, and snail mail it to me: Dick Hanson, 10849 Falling Water Lane, Unit C, Woodbury, MN 55129.
Finally, attached is the Program from the 2010 Maxi-Reunion to refresh your memory. Please review it and suggest by Reply to this e-mail any changes that you deem appropriate. We need your feedback!
Your C-133 Diamond Anniversary Reunion Planning Committee
PS: We will search diligently for a "big name" entertaining USAF member for our keynote speaker.
Dick Hanson
10849 Falling Water Lane, Unit C
Woodbury, MN 55129
Cell: 651-249-9541
Email: rehanson342@me.com
Linkedin Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=54376019&trk=tab_pro
Facebook Wall: http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1441451645
Website: www.hansonsouvenir.com
PPS: Check with your old buddies and make sure they got a copy of this e-mail and ask them to respond. We have 171 e-mail addresses on this list. If they didn't get one, let me know their e-mail address and I'll add it to the list. If they don't do e-mail, let me know their home mailing address and I'll send them a hard copy.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Update From George
Hi Guys,
Yes, it's been like I fell off the planet. The last few months have been a mess around here. I was happily going about working on the 133 and family matters took control of my life. Too many things to talk about.
Around March 1st I realized that it would be impossible to have the plane finished for the Toledo Expo ( 1st week in April) so I backed off and relaxed. I've gotten the rivets finished on the nose and the right gear sponson. Got the deicers on the tail group and was beginning to get out from under all the home stuff Spring brings with it and then about three weeks ago I came down with a case of the shingles around my right eye. Yikes! Ouch! Well, this little problem is beginning to subside and I'm beginning to get my "drive" back.
Sorry I disappeared. I'll do better.
Best regards,
Yes, it's been like I fell off the planet. The last few months have been a mess around here. I was happily going about working on the 133 and family matters took control of my life. Too many things to talk about.
Around March 1st I realized that it would be impossible to have the plane finished for the Toledo Expo ( 1st week in April) so I backed off and relaxed. I've gotten the rivets finished on the nose and the right gear sponson. Got the deicers on the tail group and was beginning to get out from under all the home stuff Spring brings with it and then about three weeks ago I came down with a case of the shingles around my right eye. Yikes! Ouch! Well, this little problem is beginning to subside and I'm beginning to get my "drive" back.
Sorry I disappeared. I'll do better.
Best regards,
Monday, April 8, 2013
A Eulogy for Sandy
From our "blog book reviewer" and Reunion Emcee, Rick Spencer:
Sandy, The Brightest Star in Tonight's Heaven
I think I first met Sandy over fifty years ago. I can say for certain that every meeting I had with him always began with a smile, never a scowl. Always with an enthusiastic greeting that lit up my day.
Sandy was one of my veteran friends who defined and lived the 'brotherly love' that is the glue of the military ethos, then and now. He was the epitome of those who helped form that bond among us who may have had nothing in common but facing the dangerous unknowns of military duty. Additionally, Sandy was constantly performing inherently good personal acts to help each
that he knew, and that he did until his last days.
During this Tuesday and Wednesday his 'brothers' will turn out in full force to honor and to remember him for his goodness, for his unselfishness, and for his years of military duty. That ethos, 'brotherly love,' remains to our last; and, Sandy shall be so honored for his contributions to the world where we all shared so much together. In the end it will be, justly so, a celebration of the life of a good man, who will forever be remembered as just that: a very good man.
Tonight when you look toward heaven the brightest star will be Sandy once again greeting us with his smile that never fades. It has been my good fortune to know Sandy, as it has been for all of us.
Sandy was one of my veteran friends who defined and lived the 'brotherly love' that is the glue of the military ethos, then and now. He was the epitome of those who helped form that bond among us who may have had nothing in common but facing the dangerous unknowns of military duty. Additionally, Sandy was constantly performing inherently good personal acts to help each
that he knew, and that he did until his last days.
During this Tuesday and Wednesday his 'brothers' will turn out in full force to honor and to remember him for his goodness, for his unselfishness, and for his years of military duty. That ethos, 'brotherly love,' remains to our last; and, Sandy shall be so honored for his contributions to the world where we all shared so much together. In the end it will be, justly so, a celebration of the life of a good man, who will forever be remembered as just that: a very good man.
Tonight when you look toward heaven the brightest star will be Sandy once again greeting us with his smile that never fades. It has been my good fortune to know Sandy, as it has been for all of us.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Sandstrom Tribute
I've heard from many of Sandy's friends with condolences, memories and respectful comments. Sandy was the Core of our Dover 133 network and legacy. Thanks to Andrew Fleming for the following tribute that reflects the thoughts and prayers of all of us:
We have lost a great "Warrior," a dedicated volunteer, and a very dear friend.
From my first visits to Dover, to work on the C-133 restoration project, Sandy was one of the key people who made my visits all the more pleasurable. His happy smiling face always made me feel that I was welcome, and in very good company.
I was even fortunate enough to benefit from his open-hearted hospitality when he offered to let me stay at his house on subsequent visits in order to save money on hotels. Riding from his home to the base for air shows was always a fun time which added immeasurably to my enjoyment of the total air show experience.
He will be missed.
May he rest in peace.
Andrew S. Fleming
We have lost a great "Warrior," a dedicated volunteer, and a very dear friend.
From my first visits to Dover, to work on the C-133 restoration project, Sandy was one of the key people who made my visits all the more pleasurable. His happy smiling face always made me feel that I was welcome, and in very good company.
I was even fortunate enough to benefit from his open-hearted hospitality when he offered to let me stay at his house on subsequent visits in order to save money on hotels. Riding from his home to the base for air shows was always a fun time which added immeasurably to my enjoyment of the total air show experience.
He will be missed.
May he rest in peace.
Andrew S. Fleming
Friday, April 5, 2013
Sandstrom Obituary
Thanks to Bill Neely for sending and Hank Baker for writing the following:
Sandstrom, Edward B.
Edward B. "Sandy" Sandstrom passed away Wednesday, April 3, 2013 in Beebe Hospital, Lewes. He was 78.
Sandy was born August 13, 1934 in St. Paul, Minnesota, son of the late George and Julia (Burtness) Sandstrom.
He enlisted in the U.S. Navy, transferring to the U.S. Air Force proudly serving 24 years and retiring as Chief Master Sergeant where is served overseas and had many missions worldwide. The planes in which he served as flight engineer included the C-124, C-133 and C-5. He later worked for Playtex, LD Caulk, and the AAL Insurance Co.
His hobbies included boating, CG Auxiliary, volunteering at the AMC Museum at Dover Air Force Base where he was a Tour Guide and helped with the restoration projects of the airplanes. He also volunteered with the Coast Guard Auxiliary, church and civic organizations.
Sandy was always a leader, very driven to make things happen, was always available and had a pleasant attitude. He had lots of interesting recounts of history and friends were very important to him. Sandy will be sorely missed.
He is preceded in death by a daughter Julie Claire.
Sandy is survived by his son Eddy Sandstrom and siblings George Sandstrom (Peg), Louise DuBois and Joanne Owen (Bill), two granddaughters, Jennifer Wells and Janet Claire Sandstrom and four great grandchildren.
Viewing will be 6-8 pm Tuesday, April 9 at the Pippin Funeral Home, 119 W. Camden-Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming.
Service will be 11:00 am April 10 at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 20276 Bay Vista Rd., Rehoboth. Burial with full military honors will follow at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Millsboro.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Air Mobility Command Museum, 1301 Heritage Rd., Dover AFB DE 19902.
Letters of condolences can be sent via www.pippinfuneralhome.com
Sandstrom, Edward B.
Edward B. "Sandy" Sandstrom passed away Wednesday, April 3, 2013 in Beebe Hospital, Lewes. He was 78.
Sandy was born August 13, 1934 in St. Paul, Minnesota, son of the late George and Julia (Burtness) Sandstrom.
He enlisted in the U.S. Navy, transferring to the U.S. Air Force proudly serving 24 years and retiring as Chief Master Sergeant where is served overseas and had many missions worldwide. The planes in which he served as flight engineer included the C-124, C-133 and C-5. He later worked for Playtex, LD Caulk, and the AAL Insurance Co.
His hobbies included boating, CG Auxiliary, volunteering at the AMC Museum at Dover Air Force Base where he was a Tour Guide and helped with the restoration projects of the airplanes. He also volunteered with the Coast Guard Auxiliary, church and civic organizations.
Sandy was always a leader, very driven to make things happen, was always available and had a pleasant attitude. He had lots of interesting recounts of history and friends were very important to him. Sandy will be sorely missed.
He is preceded in death by a daughter Julie Claire.
Sandy is survived by his son Eddy Sandstrom and siblings George Sandstrom (Peg), Louise DuBois and Joanne Owen (Bill), two granddaughters, Jennifer Wells and Janet Claire Sandstrom and four great grandchildren.
Viewing will be 6-8 pm Tuesday, April 9 at the Pippin Funeral Home, 119 W. Camden-Wyoming Avenue, Wyoming.
Service will be 11:00 am April 10 at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 20276 Bay Vista Rd., Rehoboth. Burial with full military honors will follow at the Delaware Veterans Memorial Cemetery, Millsboro.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to the Air Mobility Command Museum, 1301 Heritage Rd., Dover AFB DE 19902.
Letters of condolences can be sent via www.pippinfuneralhome.com
Arrangements for Sandy
This just in.....
There will be a viewing for Sandy on Tuesday evening, April 9 from 6-8 PM at Pippin Funeral Home in Camden, DE with the funeral being held the next day, Wednesday, April 10 at 11:00 AM at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 20276 Bay Vista Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE. Internment will be held at the Military Cemetery in Millsboro, DE at 2:00 PM.
We miss him so much already.
Hank & Dotty
There will be a viewing for Sandy on Tuesday evening, April 9 from 6-8 PM at Pippin Funeral Home in Camden, DE with the funeral being held the next day, Wednesday, April 10 at 11:00 AM at the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, 20276 Bay Vista Rd., Rehoboth Beach, DE. Internment will be held at the Military Cemetery in Millsboro, DE at 2:00 PM.
We miss him so much already.
Hank & Dotty
Shock & Awe!
The flood of reactions to the news of Sandy's passing includes the following (please leave Comments on this blogpost):
From Walt McCann....
Here is a picture, taken last year at Sandy's house, in Rehoboth Beach, DE.
Sandy is on the top left and I'm standing next to him.
Jimmy Nolan is front left with Hank Baker on the right.
All four of us were C-133 Flight Engineers, at DAFB, from the late 50's to early 70's.
I will dearly miss my Buddy. Fond Regards- Walt McCann
From Bill Neely....
Sad news about Sandy.
He and I only met at the C-133 reunion but we had become friends and exchanged e-mails regularly. I'll miss him and his humorous messages about Minnesota.
At our age we must enjoy every day for we do not have many left in this world.
From Walt McCann....
Here is a picture, taken last year at Sandy's house, in Rehoboth Beach, DE.
Sandy is on the top left and I'm standing next to him.
Jimmy Nolan is front left with Hank Baker on the right.
All four of us were C-133 Flight Engineers, at DAFB, from the late 50's to early 70's.
I will dearly miss my Buddy. Fond Regards- Walt McCann
From Bill Neely....
Sad news about Sandy.
He and I only met at the C-133 reunion but we had become friends and exchanged e-mails regularly. I'll miss him and his humorous messages about Minnesota.
At our age we must enjoy every day for we do not have many left in this world.
Sandy Sandstrom
I regret that I must share shocking news I just received from Hank Baker in Dover that we've lost our Dear Friend and Master 133 Crew Colleague, Sandy Sandstrom! He passed away very suddenly from "pancreatic cancer" only detected 3 weeks ago. Otherwise, a very healthy "warrior," it was Sandy's time to be taken from us to a better place.
Please join me in praying for his soul and the grieving of his family and many friends.
I'll pass along the obituary with arrangements that Hank is preparing at this moment.
Blessings.......never thought of Sandy "not being there!"
Please join me in praying for his soul and the grieving of his family and many friends.
I'll pass along the obituary with arrangements that Hank is preparing at this moment.
Blessings.......never thought of Sandy "not being there!"
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Plea from Travis Museum
I am the Restoration Coodinator at TAFB Museum. We have to remove the
Fire Bottles from our C133A. We have the manual and did find the CPU
bottles but cannot find the eng. bottles. The manual says that they are
in #2 & #3 pylons. We opened up the access panels aft of the eng.
bulkhead but could not find them. Anyone out there that could direct us
to where they are located would be a great help..... TX
Friday, February 15, 2013
Success at VA
We've all had someone say that they could not prove to the VA that they were actually on the ground in Vietnam, when making a claim. Well, Bob Bohn was able to achieve that. He contacted me and several others of the 84th, asking for any help we could give. His claim was for some pretty serious medical afflictions that came under the Agent Orange umbrella. It took a while, but the VA granted him full coverage. Thanks, 84th guys.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
AMC Museum Research Team
Jeff Brown (on the right in the 1st photo) & Larry Debold are closing in on defining the Mystery Part Jeff found with a metal detector at the 1958 crash site of C-133A, S/N 540146 in Ellendale, DE. Here they are digging through the tech manual in the AMC Museum Library:
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Giant 133 Model Update
Just so you don't think I'm on vacation, here are some pictures of the cowls and nacelles 99% completed. I'll be working on the wing and flaps for about two weeks and will update then.
Just so you don't think I'm on vacation, here are some pictures of the cowls and nacelles 99% completed. I'll be working on the wing and flaps for about two weeks and will update then.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
George's Model
Once that magnificent model has flown and won its prizes, it should go to the AMC Museum!
Cal Taylor
Cal Taylor
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
Giant 133 Model Update
Hi Guys,
Wishing you and yours the very best in 2013.
Work on the 133 has been slow due to the holidays and family matters. I'm just getting over a nasty cold that has kept me from doing much on her. The last couple of days my enthusiasm has returned and I've applied rivets to 3 of the 4 cowls. Each cowl has approximately 4000 rivets, screws and fasteners embossed. The 4th cowl will get done tomorrow and work on the nacelles will begin.
Happy New Year!
Wishing you and yours the very best in 2013.
Work on the 133 has been slow due to the holidays and family matters. I'm just getting over a nasty cold that has kept me from doing much on her. The last couple of days my enthusiasm has returned and I've applied rivets to 3 of the 4 cowls. Each cowl has approximately 4000 rivets, screws and fasteners embossed. The 4th cowl will get done tomorrow and work on the nacelles will begin.
Happy New Year!
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